The Pantanal, Brazil
Amazona aestival
Parrots International has provided supporting funds to The Blue-fronted Amazon Project/Projeto Papagaio Verdadeiro run by Glaucia Seixas, PhD in the Pantanal of Brazil. These contributions will assist Glaucia and her team in the ecology study and population census of the Blue-fronted Amazon. Her studies generate data on the daily activities, grouping patterns, habitat use, reproduction, development, feeding and sleeping behaviors of the Blue-fronts. The project has also installed radio transmitters on some nestlings to monitor their movement, home ranges, and survival after fledging. This is all important information for future conservation efforts of the species and its environment. Much of the information and knowledge gained from work with A. aestiva can be applied to more endangered species.
- Blue-fronted Amazons. Photo by M. Stafford
- Blue -fronted Amazon chicks in their nest cavity. The Pantanal, Brazil. Photo by M. Stafford