Slender-billed Conure Project

Enicognathus leptorhynchus

Southern Chile

The Slender-billed Conure, Enicognathus leptorhynchus, is endemic to southern Chile and one of the most southerly occurring of all parrot species. Detailed scientific data on the basic biology and ecology of the species are virtually nonexistent.

The Project’s lead investigators are Dr. Jaime Jimenez, Ph.D. and Ana Bertoldi of the Universidad de Los Lagos,Osorno, Chile. The Project advisor is Dr. Thomas White, Ph.D. of the USFWS Puerto Rican Parrot Project.

The major goal of the Slender-billed Conure Project is to acquire basic ecological data on the SBP. Such data include nest site selection and nesting behavior, specific data on reproductive chronology and productivity, size of flocks, distribution, abundance and movements in the region, relationship to landscape variables, and habitat used for foraging and other activities. Comparisons between these landscapes will provide information that will allow managers and government authorities to target specific areas for conservation and to quantify the current impacts of agricultural practices on the ecology of this species.

With most parrots, it is usually only when a species has become critically endangered that notice and actions are taken to avert extinction or further decline. Unfortunately, if such actions are taken too late, the necessary conservation measures will have become extremely costly in terms of the human and financial resources needed to overcome the daunting ecological and sociological challenges necessary for recovery efforts. The long range goal of the project is to take a more prudent and proactive approach with the SBP to insure that the species does not become a future “crisis case” requiring drastic and costly measures to assure its survival.